MiLLiSECOND metal tape measure received The German Design Award 2017 Winner Prize. / ドイツ「Germa
The German Design Award
MiLLiSECOND metal tape measure won the following.
The German Design Award 2017 Winner prize
Excellent Product Design Category: stationery
The German Design Award is the top international prize of German Design Council. Its goal: to discover, present and honor unique design trends. Therefore, every year, top quality entries from product and communication design are rewarded, all of which are in their own way ground - breaking in the international design landscape. The German Design Award is one of the most well - respected design competitions in the world and is held in high regard well beyond professional circles.
Nomination and the jury
The competition sets the highest standards when it comes to selecting the prize - winners: thanks to the unique nomination process, products and communication design services are only invited to participate if they stand out demonstrably thanks to their design quality. The awards Gold, Winner and Special Mention are conferred each of the competition categories.
MiLLiSECOND(ミリセカンド) アルミメタルメジャーが、ドイツ「German Design Award」において「Winner」を受賞いたしました。
German Design Awardは、The German Design Council(1953 年 ドイツ連邦議会後援によりに設立) が主催する国際的デザイン賞です。iF賞、red dot賞など国際的なデザイン賞を受賞した製品の中から、The German Design Council の推薦を受けた商品のみが「Nominee」となります。その後「Nominee」の中から更なる審査を経て「Gold」「Winner」「Special Mention」の受賞製品が選出されます。ノミネートされたこと自体が栄誉となるアワードでもあり、その審査の厳しさから「賞の中の賞」とも呼ばれています。
Excellent Product Design category ; stationery