"MiLLiSECOND metal measure" was published on the Italy web magazine "ArsCity" .
http://arscity.com/2018/01/design-award-scrivania.html #デザイン #山口英文 #caroinc #プロダクトデザインアジアデザイン賞 #アルミメタルメジャー #プロダクトデザイン #文具 #italy

German Design award " The winners’ exhibition Excellent Product Design" was held at Ambien
(English is follow) German Design Awardの受賞作品展示「The winners’ exhibition Excellent Product Design」が、ドイツ、フランクフルト アンビエンテ会場にて開催されました。WINNER受賞の...
MiLLiSECOND metal tape measure received The JIDA Museum selection Award 2016 Prize. / JIDAデザインミュージアム
MiLLiSECOND metal tape measure won 5 award until now. JIDA (The Japan Industrial Designers’ Association) will be held "JIDA DESIGN...