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The product is characterized by the smooth beauty of silver itself. | The Nagare sake gem cup, finished by a traditional silver processing technique, is shaped in a form as if to capture Nagare (Flow) of melted silver. | Traditional technique Artisan of silver first melt ingot of silver, then stretch it and finished the surface by hammering with hand. | Traditional technique is adopted through every phase of the manufacturing process. Distortion-free curvilinear surface, which is set on the surface, is created by the utmost hammering skill of craftsman. | When you pour sake into the cup, a sphere will appear gently in the middle of the cup. |
“Gyoku”(means sphere) has long existed as a word having mysterious power from ancient times in Japan and is used as a word expressing “beauty” or “precious” for example, “a baby like a sphere”. |
玉盃 ながれ
クライアント : 「東京手仕事」プロジェクト / 株式会社森銀器製作所 様
2017年 5月
平成28年度「東京手仕事」において中小企業振興公社 理事長賞を受賞。
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